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In Literacy, P6 are learning to write ✍️ persuasively. We are going to create persuasive leaflets for our own Zoo! But first, we need to design and create our Zoos for inspiration ✨️ 

As part of Literacy Week, P6 have been reading "Gangsta Granny" by David Walliams. We created models of Gangsta Granny out of play dough. Take a look at our fantastic creations! 

SQUIRT: Super Quiet Uninterrupted Individual Reading Time. P6 LOVE READING! ❤️... We even have a special comfy reading chair that we get to sit on when we show super concentration in our reading 📚 

Procedural Writing = Rice Crispy Buns! 🧁 

In our Literacy lessons we have been learning about instructions. Today, we gave verbal instructions on how to draw an unseen picture and how to find a hidden object when blindfolded! 

Phonics fun in P6!

P6 have been learning how to write instructions. So, we had a go at following some instructions to create some wonderful pieces of Origami Art 🎨 

Teamwork makes the dream work! Look at how well we can work together to create a piece of shared writing! ✍️ 

In Literacy, some children used modelling clay to create a scene in order to inspire some creative descriptive writing. 🐧 

P6 have been learning how to develop and write interesting stories using Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as inspiration. Take a look at our collaborative learning...
