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P4/5 had a great day making Weather instruments as part of our Shared Education Programme with Good Shepherd P.S. We can't wait to test the wind speed outside with our anemometers!

We really enjoyed a visit from Scientific Sue, who talked to us about the dangers of dropping litter. We carried out investigations to show how dangerous litter can be for animals.

P4/5 carried out a Science investigation to see how we breathe. We had a lot of fun predicting what would happen to the balloon inside the bottle (the lung), when the other balloon was pulled (the diaphragm). Some of us were surprised to discovered that the balloon in the bottle got bigger!

We were very excited when Cathy and Gilly came to visit us from the Dogs' Trust! They taught us a lot about how important dogs' senses are to them and how their senses are different and similar to ours'. It was a great morning and the highlight was definitely saying hello to Gilly - she was so cute!

P4/5 had a brilliant morning at Tesco's where we had an Autumn trail. We learnt all about foods containing wheat and were very surprised to find so many different food types with wheat! Thank you very much Sharon, we had a great time and enjoyed the lovely snacks you had for us too!
